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Sport science

ReAction - health, training and performance hub

The right action for every goal

ReAction - health, training and performance hub
Project summary
Type of structure:
Functional athlete assessment center
BTS used technologies::

Re-Action – health, training and performance hub is a multifunctional facility that combines the expertise of a multidisciplinary team with sophisticated biomedical equipment in clinical and sports settings, with the primary goal of regaining maximum function through movements.

A new frontier of “active” wellbeing in which the synergy between the different professions – in their respective areas of intervention – represents the strong point; an “integrated rehabilitation” in which post-traumatic and post-operative recovery converge harmoniously in a motor pathway aimed at maintaining and consolidating therapeutic results, to the point of filling the need for real training and planning.

In this context, “Human Evaluation Lab,” a laboratory equipped with biomedical devices for movement analysis in clinical and sports settings, was born. Because of the most advanced technology on the market, it provides complete and objective indications to evaluate the musculoskeletal situation, motor strategy and performance during exercise.

At the Human Evaluation Lab, preliminary evaluations of biomechanics and posture, injury prevention or performance and training are conducted according to the needs.
Once collected the information at the Human Lab, ReAction is divided into 3 areas:

• The Physio Action area, dedicated to Rehabilitation, deals with post-traumatic, post-operative, neurological recovery.
• The Soft Action area, dedicated to Kinesiology, provides activities of postural gymnastics, adapted motor activity and reathletization.
• And finally, the Strong Action area, dedicated to Performance, in which athletes are followed by personalized training plans.

The challenge

Re-Action was founded in 2006 in Saluzzo (Cuneo) as an athlete’s functional assessment center, specializing in the field of biomechanics and athletic preparation in endurance sports. Since 2011 it has become the sports reference for great athletes such as Alex Zanardi and Vittorio Podestà in their preparation for the Olympic Games and world championships.

Major Italian companies such as Enervit, a company specialized in sports supplementation, SRM for power meters, and Obiettivo3 for the start-up and support of sports for disabled athletes rely on the Human Evaluation Lab. In addition, Dorelan for the Dorelan Reactive project, and Fondazione Vodafone Italia for the OSO (Ogni Sport Oltre) project have relied on us for our consultancy.

The change

Over time, the center has expanded its services and distinguished itself in different areas: orthopedic and neurological rehabilitation, reathletization, motor rehabilitation and kinesiology, passing through research that has allowed the development of an innovative approach to movement analysis.

Located within the facility is the “Human Evaluation Lab” at which specific protocols for movement analysis in clinical and sports settings have been developed, making it possible to:

• structure precise and effective rehabilitation programs
• identify motor strategies
• assess performance during exercise
• ensure performance improvements by limiting the risk of injury.

How our technologies have been used

With SMART-DX system, it was possible to create the ReAction Bike Fit, a specific protocol for the kinematic analysis of pedaling in cycling, which in turn specializes in:

• Performance Bike Fit – to maximize the performance of the athletic gesture, improve ergometry on the bike, decrease aerodynamic drag, and guide the choice of new frames and components;

• Clinical Bike Fit – to solve trauma-related problems, prevent the onset of biomechanical disorders, and avoid musculoskeletal and joint overloads by integrating the measurement of muscle activity using the FREEEMG surface electromyograph.

“The versatility of SMART-DX has been fundamental to our “multipurpose” facility, allowing us to do continuous research without limiting our operation to a simple routine execution”

Dr. Francesco Chiappero, Master's degree in movement and sport science. Biomechanics and athletic trainer. Founder of ReAction® and director of the Human Evaluation Lab.
We have chosen BTS because…

We were looking for a sensitive and extremely powerful system that lends itself to a variety of assessment protocols, but more importantly that allows new ones to be developed based on the operator’s experience.

The feature of versatility of SMART-DX has been fundamental to our “multipurpose” facility, allowing us to have continuous research without limiting our work in simple routine execution.